Reminder about some coding stuff related to the Epeios project

New type naming conventions

(between parenthesis : the old one).



  • Static object :
    • s (object__) : regular,
    • t (object_t__) : base type,
    • e : enum,
    • f : callback function.
  • Dynamic object :
    • d (object_) : core (not instantiable),
    • w (object) : wrapped (instantiable).
  • Resource containing/related object :
    • r (object___) : regular,
    • l : with lock (i.e. thread-safe).
  • Helper :
    • g : not resource containing (g stands for groom),
    • h : resource containing,
    • p : placeholder, not resource containing.
  • c : callback.


  • c : callback,
  • d : dynamic, not instantiable,
  • e : enum,
  • f : callback function,
  • g : groom - helper, not resource containing,
  • h : helper, resource containing,
  • l : with lock (thread-safe),
  • p : placeholder - helper, not resource containing,
  • r : resource containing/related,
  • s : regular static object,
  • t : base static type,
  • w : wrapped dynamic object, instantiable.

Static objects

Objects which size doesn't vary (integer, float…).

  • regular : sObject (object__),
  • base type : tObject (object_t__).
  • enum : eEnum (did not exist as is) ; defined with the qENUM(…) macro,
  • callback function : fFunction (did not exist as is).

Objects which contains only objects of this type are also static objects.

Dynamic objects

Objects which size varies (a string, for example).

  • Core (not instantiable) : dObject (object_),
  • instantiable (wrapped): wObject (object).

Objects which contains dynamic core (not instantiable) objects and/or static objects and/or resource-containing objects (see below) are also dynamic core objects.

The instantiable dynamic objects are mostly based on (and automatically created from) a dynamic core object. The dynamic core objects are used as function/method parameter type, but only the instantiable counterpart of such objects can be instantiated.

Objects which contains or are related to resources which have to be freed/deleted/closed…. (memory, socket, file descriptor, mutex…).

  • rObject (object___) : regular,
  • lObject (no direct equivalence) : with lock, i.e. thread safe.

An object containing an instantiable variable size object is also a resource-containing object.

Callback objects

Objects given to an object/function, which contains only virtual methods ; it's abstract. Such an object has not to be initialized, only be inherited.

cObject (no direct equivalence).

Helper objects

Resource-containing helper

Objects given to an object/function, which is responsible of his handling. Such an object has not to be initialized, only be instantiated and then given to the proper object/function, in a error-aware environment, that is, wrapped with the qRx (qRH, qRB…) macros, to ensure proper destruction.

hObject (no direct equivalence).

Not resource-containing helper (groom)

Objects received as a parameters by a function. Such an object has not to be initialized, nor be instantiated.

gObject (no direct equivalence).

Placeholder helper

Objects given to an object/function, which is responsible of his handling. Such an object has not to be initialized, only be instantiated and then given to the proper object/function. It does not contain a resource, so no need of an error-aware environment.

pObject (no direct equivalence).

Macros equivalence

Apart from the q prefix, macro defined as equivalent for above objects use the prefix letter of the corresponding object as suffix letter. For macros which act as set of objects, you can also have a final l for the loose version, that is for the version with the generic row sdr::fRow.
Example :

  • With given row :
    • regular : qBUNCHd( type, row ),
    • instantiable : qBUNCHw( type, row ),
  • loose :
    • regular : qBUNCHdl( type ) (equivalent to qBUNCHd( type, sdr::fRow )),
    • instantiable : qBUNCHwl( type ) (equivalent to qBUNCHw( type, sdr::fRow )).


Some examples for the developer of the Epeios project.


Header file ('.h')

qENUM( Name ) {
const char *GetLabel( eName Name );
eName GetName( const str::dString &Pattern );

Code ('.cpp')

#define C( name )	case n##name : return #name; break
const char *GetLabel( eName Name )
	switch ( Name ) {
	C( Configuration );
	C( Project );
	C( Setup );
	C( Arguments );
	return NULL;	// To avoid a warning.
#undef C
namespace {
	stsfsm::wAutomat NameAutomat_;
	void FillNameAutomat_( void )
		stsfsm::Fill<eName>( NameAutomat_, n_amount, GetLabel );
eName GetName( const str::dString &Pattern )
	return stsfsm::GetId( Pattern, NameAutomat_, n_Undefined, n_amount );
qGCTOR( ... )