From: s:i:main


The core of all Epeios software components is native, but may be available for some popular frameworks based on a runtime system. Actually, the supported frameworks are :

The source code of each Epeios software component has its own Github repository. This repository also contains some files which are needed by the program (in particular, but not only, the .xlcl and .xcfg files), so you have to retrieve the content of the repository, even if you don't need the source code.

Except for the wrappers, each program's binary may be build:

  • Under Windows:
    • by using the provided .vcxproj file with Visual C++ under Windows,
    • see also below for Cygwin,
  • under POSIX systems (which comprises GNU/Linux and macOS, and the Cygwin environment under Windows), by launching the make command in the root path of the repository, given that you have a C++ compiler (g++, Clang…) be installed.

With Cygwin under Windows, by default you will obtain a binary file which uses the Cygwin Posix API. You can alternatively launch make target=win if you have installed the MinGW compiler, so you will obtain a binary which uses the Windows API (like those produced by Visual C++). Windows binaries may also be available in the releases section of the GitGub repository of the component.

For Node.js addon, the installation is made by calling npm install <component>. Except under Windows, you need a C++ development environment to be installed.

For Java components, you also need to compile the .java files (javac *.java) the resulting .class files may be found with the binaries in the GitHub repository releases section).

Except for the CLI variant of a program, building the component as indicated above will produce a dynamic library. To use this library, you need:

  • for the Java variant, the JREq wrapper,
  • for the Node.js variant, the NJSq wrapper,
  • for the PHP variant, the ZNDq wrapper.