====== 'ODROID' ======
Some stuff about //GNU/Linux// on [[http://www.hardkernel.com/main/products/prdt_info.php?g_code=G145457216438|ODROID-C2]]. The purpose is to adapt the //Epeios// software components to an //ARM// 64 bits architecture, the 32 bits one is already supported thanks to my //Nokia N900//.
===== Installation =====
I choose //odrobian// : http://oph.mdrjr.net/odrobian/doc/getting-started.html. The following procedure is for //Windows//.
* Download an image : http://oph.mdrjr.net/odrobian/images/s905/ (the __not__ hybrid one ; don't really know what the difference is between hybrid/non-hybrid without/with ),
* extract (//7-Zip// can be used for this),
* write above resulting image to SD card using //Disk Imager// (retreived from http://odroid.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=en:odroid_flashing_tools),
* ''apt-get update'',
* ''apt-get install aptitude'' (after this, you can use //aptitude// to as package manager),
* ''dpkg-reconfigure tzdata''.
===== GPIO =====
==== C/C++ ====
This also installs the ''gpio'' command!
* ''git clone https://github.com/hardkernel/wiringPi''
* ''cd wiringPi''
* ''sudo ./build''
==== Python ====
Package name for the //python// package manager (''pip''): ''python-pip''.
* ''sudo apt install python-dev python-setuptools python3-dev python3-setuptools swig''
* ''git clone %%--%%recursive https://github.com/hardkernel/WiringPi2-Python''
* ''cd WiringPi2-Python''
* ''sudo python3 setup.py install''
===== GPIO 7 switching back to IN mode =====
Add following to ''/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf'':
# Prevents the GPIO 7 to switching automatically back to IN mode.
blacklist w1_gpio
blacklist wire
===== Streaming a camera =====