====== GNU/Linux ======
This page concerns the //Debian// distribution (//Jessie//, then //Stretch//), but may also be applied to other //GNU/Linux// (or //POSIX//) distributions.
The extended //Debian// security advisories in //RDF// format and in English : https://www.debian.org/security/dsa-long.en
===== Connection through 'ssh' without password =====
To enable the connection to a host without password, launch from the machine from where you want to connect : ''ssh-copy-id [@]''.
===== Numlock enabled by default =====
When installing //Debian// //Jessie// in a virtual machine, the numlock is disabled by default. To enable it by default, you should do the following :
* Install the //numlockx// package,
* add ''/usr/bin/numlockx on &'' to the end of file ''/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc''.
===== Compiling for IA-32 under an AMD64 environment =====
When compiling for //IA-32// under a //AMD64// enviroment (by passing the ''-m32'' option to both compiler and linker), the compiler will complain about missing headers. To fix this, install ''g++-multilib'' package.
===== Fetching informations =====
==== OS ====
* ''uname -a'',
* ''lsb_release -a'' (package //lsb-release//, with ''-'', not ''_''),
* ''cat ''...
* ''/proc/version'',
* ''/etc/issue'',
* ''/etc/issue.net'',
* ''/etc/*release'',
* ''/etc/*version''.
==== Hardware ====
* ''lscpu'',
* ''lshw -short'',
* ''hwinfo %%--%%short'',
* ''df -h'',
* ''free'',
* ''cat /proc/''...
* ''cpuinfo'',
* ''meminfo'',
* ...
* ...
==== Miscellaneous ====
* Temperature : with package //lm-sensors// ''sensors'',
* frequencies : with package //cpufrequtils// ''cpufreq-info''.
===== 'sudo' =====
==== Setting ====
To give a user same rights as for //root// through //sudo//, add a file in ''/etc/sudoers.d/'' with following content :
where '''' is the user's login.
''visudo'' should be used to edit this file, but it's not needed. The content of the created file is immediately take in account by //sudo//.
==== Error 'unable to resolve ' ====
To avoid this error when //sudoing//, following conditions must be met (from http://askubuntu.com/questions/59458/error-message-when-i-run-sudo-unable-to-resolve-host-none) :
* ''/etc/hostname'' must contain //// (''hostname ////'' command works only until next reboot),
* there must be an entry in ''/etc/hosts/'' where ''////'' points to ''''.
Depending on your configuration, the modification in ''/etc/hosts'' will not survive to a //reboot//. You should then have a comment at the head of your ''/etc/hosts'' file, which indicates that you have to modify a file in ''/etc/cloud/templates'', but the given file may not be the correct one. Under //Debian//, for example, you have to modify ''hosts.debian.tmpl'' file, not ''hosts.tmpl''.
===== USB =====
What follows may only concern //ARM// architectures ; it was not tested on //x86// architectures.
:!: It seems that you have to install the //ntfs-3g// package __before__ installing the //usbmount// package, or the //NTFS// devices will only be //read-only//.
* To //automount// //USB// devices, install //usbmount// package,
* In order to mount //NTFS// devices, add '' ntfs fuseblk'' to ''FILESYSTEMS'' in ''/etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf''
The devices will be accessible under ''/media/usb...''.
The ''fdisk -l'' command will show if your //USB// device is recognized (//recognized// does not means //mounted//).
:!: Trouble with //NTFS// devices auto-mounting : https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=774149.
===== Clock =====
* To set the correct time from a server (package //ntpdate//) : ''ntpdate '', with '''', a //NTP// server (''ntp.ubuntu.com'' for example),
* to display the hardware clock : ''hwclock'',
* to synchronize the hardware clock with system clock : ''hwclock --systohc'',
* to synchronize the system clock with hardware clock : ''hwclock --hctosys''.
===== WiFi =====
==== Raspberry Pi/ODROID ====
For each //Wifi// network, add following in the ''/etc/wap_supplicant/wpas_supplicant.conf''
Replace the entry with correct values. '''' can be something like ''WPA-PSK'' or ''NONE'' (without double-quotes!). ''scan--ssid'' is for hidden network, but should also work for not hidden network. ''psk'' can be omitted when the network is open.
==== Other ====
Was once used, but above should be used instead.
* Install ''wpasupplicant'' package,
* Launch ''wpa-passphrass '', where '''' is the //SSID// of the WiFi network, and '''', the corresponding key. You should obtain something like :
* in ''/etc/network/interfaces'', insert :
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-scan-ssid 1 # If the SSID id hidden.
where '''' is the //SSID// of the WiFi network, and '''' the hexadecimal string right of the uncommented above ''psk='' entry.
* launch ''ifup wlan0''.
===== Hostname =====
To change //hostname// :
* Until next //reboot// : ''hostname '' (you must logout to see the change),
* permanently : modify file ''/etc/hostname''.
If the //hostname// doesn't match an ID of the //SSL// certificate, //apache// will complain.
How to correctly set the //hostname// to avoid some error messages (for example ''unable to resolve host ...'' with //sudo//): https://askubuntu.com/questions/59458/
===== Configuring an account to allow backup only =====
You may want to backup the entire //www-data// account (which contains the web pages) using //scp// or //rsync//, but you get a message like ''protocol version mismatch -- is your shell clean?''. This is because the the shell for this account is a restricted one (probably ''/usr/sbin/nologin'', as you will see in ''/etc/passwd'').
To fix this :
* install ''rssh'' package,
* modify ''/etc/passwd'' so the shell will be ''/usr/bin/rssh'' (''bin'', not ''sbin'') for the desired account,
* modify ''/etc/rssh.conf'' accordingly.
===== Killing a connection =====
To kill the a TCP connection without having to stop the corresponding program:
''sudo ss -K dst [dport ]''
===== Remote copy with resuming =====
An alternative to ''scp'', which allows to resume an interrupted transfer:
''rsync %%--%%append-verify [%%--%%progress] [-e ssh] ''
* ''-e ssh'' should be the default, but may be useful to add some parameters to ssh (put ''ssh'' and its parameters between quotes then),
* ''%%--%%progress'' is to display the progress.
Can be used directly, or after an aborted ''scp''.
===== Other =====
* //[[.:systemd:]]//,
* //[[.:Odroid:]]//.